Thursday, November 12, 2020

The great test
(This is the first edition of Secret Path, not the second, improved edition)

Please go to the latest, improved edition of The Secret Path -- A Story of Jesus

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Immediately on being dunked, the Spirit drove Jesus into the Judaean desert, where he stayed 40 days.[gt1]

He lived among dangerous wild animals. (In those days, Asian lions and brown bears roamed that desert, and many believed that various demons inhabited the desolate region.)

Having eaten nothing while out in the badlands, Jesus at last became very hungry. This is when the Devil showed up and tested him: "If you are really the son of God, you can order these stones to turn into loaves of bread."

Jesus replied, "Scripture says: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of God's mouth." [gt2]

At that, the Devil whisked him to Jerusalem, which was then God's holy city, and set him up at the highest point on the Temple. "If you are really God's son, you can prove it by throwing yourself off the wall," said the Devil, adding:
Scripture says:
He will tell his angels to watch over you
and on their hands they will carry you up
in case you chance to dash your foot on a stone.[gt3]
Jesus replied, "Scripture also says: You must not test the Lord your God." [gt4]

At that, the Devil took Jesus to the top of a very high mountain and in a flash showed him all the world's kingdoms.

"I will give you all that," said the Adversary. "All you have to do is get down and worship me."

"Take off, Satan!" Jesus snapped. "Scripture says: "You must worship the Lord your God and only serve him." [gt5]

At that, the Devil left – for the time being.

Angels came and gave Jesus relief.
Jesus shown to Israel

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New, improved edition of <i>Secret Path</i>

Please go to the latest, revised edition of The Secret Path -- A Story of Jesus If the link fails, try pasting the url below into your ...