Thursday, November 12, 2020

Flash forward: You must be born again
(This is the first edition of Secret Path, not the second, improved edition)

Please go to the latest, improved edition of The Secret Path -- A Story of Jesus

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One night after Jesus had been teaching during the day, an influential Pharisee named Nicodemus came to see him. (We may assume Nicodemus came by night in response to the opinion of other Pharisees that Jesus was a bad actor.)

"Teacher, we know you are a teacher who has come from God," said Nicodemus. "No one could do the signs you do without God."

"Very seriously I tell you," said Jesus, "unless a person is born again [ff1], he cannot see God's kingdom."

"What!? How can someone be born when he is older? Can he go back into his mother's womb for a second birth?"

Jesus replied, "Very seriously I tell you, unless a person is born of the Spirit [ff2], he cannot enter God's kingdom. What is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. Don't wonder about me telling you, you must be born again. The wind [ff3] blows wherever it leans. You hear its voice but you don't know where it came from or where it is going. That's how it is for everyone born of the Spirit."

Nicodemus was perplexed. "That's very hard to understand."

"You are a teacher of Jews and you don't know this?" said Jesus. "We speak what we know and report what we have witnessed. And yet, you do not receive our testimony." Jesus added, "If I tell you about simple things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you about higher things?" [ff4]

John continues with important insights into who Jesus is:

No one had ascended to heaven [ff5] except he who descended out of heaven – but who is still human. Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the son of man be lifted up so that whoever trusts him may have eternal life. [ff6]

God loved the world so much that he gave his precious firstborn son so that whoever believes in him would not perish, but have eternal life. God did not send his son into the world to judge it, but to save the world through his son. This is how that works: He who trusts in the son has eternal life, but he who does not is under the judgment caused by failure to accept the son.

That is, the light comes into the world, but people preferred darkness to light. When you keep doing wrong, you are dodging the light. You know that if you let the light shine into your mind, you will feel guilty about what you've been doing. But, if your heart is now true, you like the light and don't mind God seeing what you do, since it comes from God.[ff7]

He that is of the earth talks about earthly things. But he who comes from heaven is above everything. He testifies about what he has seen and heard, and no one believes him. But he who has believed his testimony affirms this: God is true. The one sent by God speaks God's words; God gives him unlimited Spirit. The Father loves the son, and has put everything under his control. He who trusts the son has eternal life. He who won't do so will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.
The great test

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New, improved edition of <i>Secret Path</i>

Please go to the latest, revised edition of The Secret Path -- A Story of Jesus If the link fails, try pasting the url below into your ...