Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me
(This is the first edition of Secret Path, not the second, improved edition)

Please go to the latest, improved edition of The Secret Path -- A Story of Jesus

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One day he arrived at his hometown of Nazareth and, as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on Sabbath Day, and, as a visiting rabbi, was asked to read from Scripture. The book of Isaiah was brought to him.

Once he had found the right passage, he read aloud,
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he anointed me to declare good news to the poor,
he has sent me to proclaim release to the captives,
and the recovering of sight to the blind,
to set free those who are abused,
to announce the wonderful Year of the Lord. [SL1]
After doing the reading, he sat down and said, "Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your ears."

The men were outraged. Who did he think he was?! They were very familiar with him. He was just a carpenter and a carpenter's son. This nobody is making himself the messiah or somebody like that!?

Jesus was aware that they would not be satisfied that he was who he said he was without miraculous proof.

"You probably think I should do here the works that you have heard I did in Capernaum. [SL2] But, think about this: There were many widows in Israel when the sky was shut up for three and a half years and famine gripped the whole land. But Elijah was not sent to any of them. Instead, he was sent to Zarephath in Sidon, to a widow there. Likewise, Israel was full of lepers during the prophet Elisha's time, but none of them were cured. Instead, Naaman the Syrian was healed."

At this, the men rose up and seized him, dragging him to the edge of the cliff on which Nazareth was built in order to throw him from it. But he passed through their midst and went on his way. Had they been able to see it, here was the miraculous sign that they had demanded.

When he related this encounter to his disciples later, he told them, "A prophet is not without honor -- except in his home area."
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New, improved edition of <i>Secret Path</i>

Please go to the latest, revised edition of The Secret Path -- A Story of Jesus If the link fails, try pasting the url below into your ...