Thursday, November 12, 2020

Keep a low profile
(This is the first edition of Secret Path, not the second, improved edition)

Please go to the latest, improved edition of The Secret Path -- A Story of Jesus

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As he went around Galilee, Jesus strongly advised people to shun religious ostentation.
Avoid giving charitable gifts in public so that people can see you; otherwise, you have no reward from your heavenly Father.
So when you are donating, do not announce it with a trumpet blast, like the role players do in the synagogues and on the streets in order to gain the praises of men. Seriously, I am telling you, they have their reward.
But when you are donating to the poor, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your gifts are made in secret, and so that your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
And when you pray, don't be like the role players who love to pray standing in the synagogues and on street corners to put on a show for people. Very seriously I tell you, they have their reward.
But you, when you pray, go into your private room, and once you have shut your door, privately pray to your Father, and your Father who sees in private will reward you publicly.
But when you pray, don't babble on, as the pagans do; for they think that all that noise will assure that they are heard.
So don't be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask.
On boasting
Consider the modern system of philanthropy, specifically those foundations set up by the rich, which are often designed as a means of avoiding inheritance taxes. These foundations do what its backers assume to be good works: ameliorating social evils and promoting betterment of society.

Maybe so. But why should we accept that the rich know how to make people's lives better? If their inner lamps are dark, isn't there a considerable risk that they are leading people wrong, helping Satan send people toward hell? What good is it to obtain betterment in this life with no clue as to what to do about the world to come? The best-laid plans often lead ... nowhere good.

Because their inner lamps are very often dark, such "noble helpers" are all too often simply projecting their egoistical needs onto the world. If they are serving God, why do they issue press releases that trumpet their generosity? If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the ditch.

Boasting and seeking attention for your good deeds may win you applause, but that is all it will win you. As in other teachings, we see that motive is the underlying issue. If you are seeking praise or flattery, your purpose is to stroke your ego. If you think about it, it's a rather infantile thing to do. Toddlers are always demanding attention from older people in order to affirm their newly forming egos. But even toddlers can overdo that bit and at times need to be ignored (which does not mean neglected).

Show-offs don't impress God at all. Role-playing to win applause of the people around you is a well-known flaw to which many of us are subject. We suffer from insecure egos, and receive childish pleasure from garnering plaudits for our wonderful religious attitude. But, says Jesus, this "holier than thou" stuff has got to go. When you commune with God in secret, you obviously aren't trying to be a "people pleaser." God likes that, because you are being REAL with him and not just being another phony. The silly phonies wanted to be rewarded with admiration of people. Well, that's it. They have already received their reward. But for you who desire to be in God's presence, you are guaranteed that he will openly bless you when the time comes.

Obviously, this teaching is all about attitude. If someone happens to observe you while you pray in private, that is not at issue. Nor does it mean we may not pray publicly in church or temple. Clearly it is customary for us to pray both individually and collectively in sight of others at church. But, hopefully, we are not trying to show off and we may still pray in secret at home, or wherever. And, if you wonder about praying publicly, then don't volunteer for it! If you happen to be chosen, you have not sought to have your ego flattered.

Jesus wants his followers to put others first, to sit at the foot of the table rather than at the head. Perhaps at some point they, after making themselves low, will be invited to the place of honor. Note that Jesus promises that the Father will reward the secret gift-giver openly. The quiet Christian is to be honored in front of the heavenly host that watches everything humans do in this earthly battle zone between good and evil.

Seeking praise is no way to die to self. Yet, as we die to self, Jesus and the Father draw nearer. And, some time, who knows when, God will recall our anonymous love gifts even if we don't, and reward us.

In most cases the glory-hunting people described by Jesus were affluent. They could afford to play the philanthropist and had time to show off their religiousness. Even so, he was saying, don't behave that way. But again, it's all about attitude. A poor person is quite capable of childishly bragging and showing off.

Earnestness in prayer
Don't babble on  is rendered by the King James version as use not vain repetitions. Either way, we should avoid the simple error of equating earnestness for more physical effort. For that is only the flesh attempting to get its way, and having no idea of what it is doing, to boot. Your Father wants you to commune with him, like your children commune with you. You want your kids to ask for things even though you already know what they really need. How much more true is that for those of us who have become children of God via Jesus Christ.

Though Jesus doesn't speak of fasting here, the practice is a time-honored way for the Christian, as well as the Jew, of proving one's earnestness and of drawing closer to God. We can't really give anything to God, but by denying our normal desire we make ourselves more receptive to his presence and leading.

Also, when Jesus says to keep your prayers simple, that doesn't mean that all that is necessary is one prayer on a particular request. Rather, even though God knows our needs before we ask,  we are to nevertheless pray. Jesus knows that sincere prayer to God helps us to hear him. It is good for us to commune with him.

Who do you think I am?

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New, improved edition of <i>Secret Path</i>

Please go to the latest, revised edition of The Secret Path -- A Story of Jesus If the link fails, try pasting the url below into your ...