Thursday, November 12, 2020

Jesus anointed for his mission
(This is the first edition of Secret Path, not the second, improved edition)

Please go to the latest, improved edition of The Secret Path -- A Story of Jesus

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The message of Messiah Jesus (Jesus Christ) was launched by John in the Judaean wilderness.

It was in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar's reign [jam1] that the word of God came to John and he began preaching, "You're going the wrong way! Turn around! The kingdom is almost here!"

In describing the mission of John, Mark quotes from Isaiah and Malachi[jam2]:
Behold: I send my messenger before your face,
who will prepare your way.
He is the voice of one shouting
in the wilderness,
make ready a highway for the Lord!
Make that road straight![jam3]
Fill in the valleys and level the mountains!
Twisted paths must be straightened
and rough paths smoothed down!
And all people will see God’s salvation!
John's task was to bear witness, to point to the light, so that everyone could come to God through the mediation of the one who is the light.  John was not the light, but rather a witness to the light of truth, which sheds light on everyone coming into the world.

John gave new meaning to the custom of ceremonial immersions in water. Don't just dunk yourself, he taught, but repent! Change your ways and your attitude! Don't cling to your sinful ways!

"I immerse you with water as a sign of your decision to change your ways," John told his hearers. "But he who comes after me is mightier than am I. In fact, I am not even worthy to kneel down and unlatch his shoes!

"He will immerse you with the fire of the Holy Spirit! His sifter is in his hand. And he will thoroughly sift all the grain on his threshing floor. The wheat he will store, but the weeds will go right into a fire – the kind that can't be doused."

This preacher was a sight to see, dressed in his camel-hair coat and surviving on locusts and wild honey. Everyone came from Jerusalem and all over Judaea just to see what was going on. On hearing his word, they admitted their wrongdoings and were eager to have him dunk them in the Jordan as a sign of true inner change.

But there was a clique of Pharisees [jamy1] and Sadducees [jamy2] that provoked his contempt as they drew near.

"Snake spawn! Who has warned you to flee the coming wrath?!"

John admonished them that fake baptism [or in Aramaic, immersion] would not work. "Look down deep and admit your real sins. Make real changes. Forget about telling yourselves that as a descendant of Abraham, you are in the clear. I am telling you that God can take these stones on the ground and turn them into children of Abraham!

"So look out! The ax is already aimed at the roots of the trees. Every tree that doesn't yield good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire."

(From Luke we learn that John's warning did not only apply to religious elitists. His attitude was: if the shoe fits, wear it.)

On hearing the warning, some people asked, "If that's so, what should we do?"

John replied, "If you have two coats, give one to somebody who lacks a coat. If you notice someone who is hungry, share your food."

He told the tax collectors, "Don't swindle people out of more than you are due." To the soldiers (who in the Roman empire acted something like police officers), he said, "Don't hurt anyone unnecessarily and don't require any service or fee wrongfully. Be satisfied with your wages."

During the days of John's preaching, Jesus drew near and sought to be dunked in the Jordan.[jam4]

Some have wondered why Jesus, being sinless, would need to be baptized. Matthew indicates that the immersion of Jesus was part of God's plan. We can also say that the immersion coincides with Jesus being anointed by earthly water and divine Spirit. We should not take that baptismal anointing to mean that Jesus was not always God's son. Rather, God was making a new thing, and beginning a new era. He was showing the Jews and people in general that Jesus was indeed the anointed one, implying that he was the messiah and the true king of the Jews.

We can also say that the act of accepting immersion accords with Jesus' choice of "the low way." If he, who was sinless, could humble himself before God and receive the immersion given to sinners, then should not we, who are sinners, have the same attitude?

So John dunked Jesus, and as soon as he emerged from the water, he saw [jam5] the sky split open and the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, descending on him.

"You are my beloved son, and the delight of my eyes," a voice from above rang out.[jam6]

Jesus was about 30 years old [jam7] when he received the anointing that signaled the launch of his public ministry and mission of salvation.
A taste of the future

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New, improved edition of <i>Secret Path</i>

Please go to the latest, revised edition of The Secret Path -- A Story of Jesus If the link fails, try pasting the url below into your ...